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I did a volunteer shift at my CSA tonight. It isn’t required for the winter season but you are required to do 2 shifts for the summer one. I weighed out the fingerlings and other stuff. Since I had to be there until almost 8:30, plus the “feels like 6 degrees” and the 28 pounds of veggies I decided to take a taxi. The best $7 I ever spent. I’m excited to cook these vegetables. The brussels sprouts! The giant leeks! The Romanesco cauliflower which is so unique looking.

This week’s share:

8 lbs. lbs. Sweet Potatoes
3 lbs. Banana Fingerling Potatoes
1 bu. Baby Red Beets
2 heads of Kohlrabi
2 Heads of Broccoli
1 Head of Romanesco Cauliflower
5 lbs. Orange Carrots
1 Head of Savoy Cabbage
2 pcs. Leeks
2 stalks Brussels Sprouts
1 bu Parsley
1 head Green Boston Lettuce
1 bu Red Oak Lettuce
10 pcs. loose garlic cloves

More sweet potatoes…any other good recipes? I didn’t hate the sweet potato puree we had at Thanksgiving so I have hope that I will learn to like them.